5-Stages of Ethical Hacking
- Reconnaisance (Activate vs Passive)
- Scanning and Enumaration (nmap, nessus)
- Gaining Access (Exploitation)
- Maitaning Access
- Covering tracs (cleaning up)
Information Gathering
Passive Recon
Types: Physical/Social
Location information:
- satellite images, drone recon
- building layout
Job Information
- Employees (names, jobtitle, phone number, etc)
- Pictures (badges photoes, desk photos, computer, etc)
Bugcrowd for programs and targets
Discoverig Email Addresses
Hunter for email discovery and verify or Phonebook for chrome as an extesnion clearbit
another one verifyemail
Hunting breached credentials
Hunting subdomains
apt istall sublister
- Get subdomains with wublist3r
Search by certificate with crt.sh
- The go to tool is OWASP-AMASS
Identify built with
Check builtwith and wappalyzer
for firefox
on kali